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The electives you choose help you narrow your path. Help others understand it's importance, and their choices.

What should I say ?

We're here to give you a little guidance

Answer our Q&A !
  • Why is choosing the right electives important ?

  • How is the process to choose the electives?

  • What electives do you recommend ?

  • How is the professor ?

  • How are the grades ?

  • What is the level of difficulty ?



These are just a guide ! Answer to some, all, or add your own !

Our recommendations

1. Difficulty

3. Process

5. Workload

2. Grades

4. Professor

6. Relevancy

An ordered list based on what Flow users are asking. Don't be afraid to mention other topics !

Our recommendations

Try to talk about both pros and cons!


Structure your speech beforehand and make sure you mention everything you wanted to!


Try not to make it too long, nobody likes dissertations or lectures that much


Have fun doing it ! :D

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